“A day in the country is worth a month in town”Christina Rossetti

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Goat food

I know what you're thinking. What a mess. Goat food? Oh yes!

This is the first pasture we fenced for the girls last August and they haven't been in here since this May? I spent yesterday pulling the milkweed since it is supposedly poisonous and found a handful more today.

The rest of the weeding is up to them - delicious food.

This is Vinegar cleaning the Pallet Palace to get it ready for the afternoon sun.

Speckles isn't allowed in the Palace at the same time as Vinnie, so she is happy to spruce up the door step. That's why we have to have separate shelters. Someone is always at the bottom of the pecking, or butting order, and is left out in the elements - sun or rain.

Everyone is doing their part - happily. They are going to be in eating heaven for days. Next week you will be able to see all the spools and sheds distinctly, and to the ground.

Enough of the housekeeping! Lets herd!

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