“A day in the country is worth a month in town”Christina Rossetti

Thursday, September 15, 2011

How Lucky Is That?

Its starting to rain outside after some deep, deep thunder. The kind of thunder that doesn't so much startle you, but moves you. Deep.

Last week we watched the forecast while wearing our flannel jammies and t-shirts during all the hurricane news and flooding. We were getting ready to go to the beach and only saw one - yes ONE day that showed a yellow sun as the featured weather symbol. So we packed our flannel jammies, fleece tops and long sleeved shirts for the beach. I even considered a turtle neck.
Did we need them? No! NO! NOOOOO! How lucky is that?
Its late and I haven't had a chance to download all the photos, but here is a taste of a wonderful time in Milton, Delaware.Horseshoe crab corpses were plentiful this year. Perhaps the hurricane aftermath. Our morning walk south.


Linda Myers said...

I always have trouble packing properly for the beach. Looks lovely!

Lois Evensen said...

It looks great! I hope you were ready to play the lotto with all the good luck you seem to have at the beach. ;)