“A day in the country is worth a month in town”Christina Rossetti

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Farm Work Out

At some point in the dregs of winter mud, I read a Facebook conversation about gym versus farm. I've had time to think about that this past week or so even more, as I stand with my rump against the belly of Zola, holding her collar in one hand and an angry hind leg in another. She is pushing and bucking with all her might as I lean into her with all of mine.
After one day of this, my arm pits felt like I had taken up bench pressing again. Problem on the farm - no rest day.  As a matter of fact, its one or two long reps at heavy moving weight, three and four times a day. 
Sore? Too bad. The kids are starving, and now attacking you like 12 pound blood sucking mosquitoes. They have caught on to the fact that when the two legged goats show up and tie off that kicking, biting monster of a mother of theirs, they do get fed. My knees, varicose veins and knuckles have goat hickeys from their attacks.  No wonder Zola was frustrated. We all were frustrated.
Meanwhile there are two hungry bucklings that aren't quite sure of where and how this thing works, as the teat never seems to stay still long enough to latch on. Thank goodness, with the help of neighbors Allison, Jeff, Julia and Karen, we have lasted long enough to keep the kids alive, well and thriving. 
I posted a couple days ago that Zola finally allowed the first born to nurse. Well Number Two has figured out the survival technique.  When older brother latches on and wags his tail in front of mom and she lovingly nuzzles him, he latches on from behind. There she can't pull his tail or throw him off and is distracted by Favorite Son.
See the VIDEO below for a successful feeding. Hurray!
I mean look at this face. What is the problem Zola?  His persistence has played a big part in this, and obviously some smarts.  We have been supplementing a bit of the orphan's milk replacer here and there, but I think after today, we are letting nature do the work.  The more we interfere, the bigger the mosquitoes get, and truly, my knees can't take it!

But back to farm versus gym, and now cross training.
 The work out isn't even started yet because we have to walk goats and food back and forth to the fields, muck the stalls, and there still is the bottle baby orphan who was getting a bottle three times a day.  Then there is the capturing for shots, dehorning and castration. Its like the greased pig contest sometimes. Carrying buckets of water and bales of hay (I try not to for the shoulder and the knee injuries, but no choice a lot of times), moving fences and dragging the occasional uncooperative goat to the correct destination, whether stall or field, all take strength and coordination that doesn't always come so easily to one person.  That's why its great to work in teams around here when possible. Just like the old marathon days of running with partners. You still do the work, but misery loves company!
And Jock.  He needs a walk too.
Anytime your gym gets boring, we can use your help here I'm sure.  Stop on over. And you get to cool down with a goat hug as a bonus.


Linda Myers said...

I'd rather get my exercise on your farm.

Consider renting the movie "The Story of the Weeping Camel". I loved it, and you will relate to it!

Lois Evensen said...

How sweet. At least My Honey who is on call 24/7 gets a day of vacation for every day for ten weeks gets ten weeks off. I don't see you getting any vacation time. :(

Deere Driver said...

Linda - The request is in for the film. Thanks for the recommendation. I may pass it along to my neighbors and 4-H friend.

Its really been a workout, but the weather has been quite warm and has dried things up, so at least we weren't contending with the mud. Of course, it rained yesterday, but I think we are over the hump as far as goat wrestling.