“A day in the country is worth a month in town”Christina Rossetti

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Anakin and Angus

Today was pretty cold so no gloves meant no fingers! 8 degrees when I first took hay around the stalls at 7AM.   I have the monitor on by my bed and at 4AM had to whack it a couple times because of the static. I had this fear of loosing a kid to the weather like last year, and it was Twee who lost a doe in the snowstorm last January. She is due now, and I was watching the field with her out there all day, worried that she might kid in this extreme cold.

Here's a little goat video that is already a day old, but I though you might enjoy four day old goats. Its hard to believe how much more mobile they are today.
Oh! And Angus is the larger kid with lighter ears. He was the slow starter, but is catching up fast
Anakin (Skywalker) is this little, noisy guy.
Our five year old neighbor Aidan chose his name.
I like it.


Louvregirl said...

Talk about putting your best foot forward. That is just tooooo cute!
Thank you for taking the time in the cold to get these shots! I could hear from your video that is was C-O-L-D.

Lois Evensen said...

Awwwww, how sweet! Love the video.