“A day in the country is worth a month in town”Christina Rossetti

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Jock - The Border Collie: A Wonderful Life. A Wonderful Experience.

Jock at two soon after we first adopted him -2004

Its been six weeks.

I knew I had to write this blog, but it always seemed too soon.

I know how many fans Jock had, and he was the last part of On the Pond Farm that we had with us. I saw the immediate reaction from a Facebook post, and that just made things harder.
I posted the night he died when the whole thing hadn't hit me yet, and I think I said it then best, so I think I'll just paste that post here.

Almost a dozen years ago we acquired a hand me down pure bred Border Collie, knowing nothing about working dogs except they needed a lot of exercise.
Well tomorrow, we don't know how we will get our exercise, as our best training partner died from what appears to be a seizure or stroke, possibly from a brain tumor.
Our favorite park near our Connecticut home - October 2014
Jock took a long walk as usual this morning and still looked amazing for a 13 1/2 year old dog.
We learned so much with Jock, and he was my companion and work mate at the farm and at home, always quiet and watchful.
The sadness hasn't set in yet. We expected a couple more good years, even though he was slowing down in his "retirement". I know he made many friends with you my friends, so I hate to pass on this news, but there it is. I hope you enjoy the album of his pictures over the years.
Sylvester and Jock learning to get along in the early days
Snickers with her buddy.
Dressed for the Ando Walk to raise money for the K-9 program

The "retirement" years in Connecticut.
Teaching Jacob how to walk Jock
Jock being gentle taking his bone
In the woods at River Bend