“A day in the country is worth a month in town”Christina Rossetti

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Secret to White Pants and Getting Skunk out of the Dog!

 OK. Its not a secret as I am about to share an article with a recipe. Strangely enough it is close to the recipe I have for getting skunk smell off a dog, cat or human!

I didn't change the amounts from the article, but the last time I used this recipe it was for a 10 pound cat so I made about a gallon in a milk jug. The Dawn portion was about a tablespoon. Proportion to the size of the offended animal or person!

Skunk Smell Removal

  • 1 five-gallon bucket or a large bowl
  • About ⅓ cup of Dawn dish soap
  • About a quarter of a bottle of hydrogen peroxide
  • Something to scrub with (a sponge or just your hands)
  • Water to rinse, and rinse and rinse!
Pour the ingredients together and mix. Gently pour or sponge over the animal/person till every bit of them are sudsy and slimy.  Let it sit as long as you can stand it and then rinse away. I had luck with one good wash.

NOTE: The green pants I wore to do this have fade patches from the recipe, so be careful what you wear. But they didn't smell!

So back to the article. Here you go for white pants for Fair showing and your basic summer attire! 

How To Get Stains Out of White Clothes

There are many different tactics to achieve a pristine pair of white pants, but some tactics work better than others

GREENWICH, N.Y. — "Keeping white clothes white can be a difficult task regardless of whether you are an adult or a child. Whether it is a pair of white jeans you are wearing in the dairy show ring or a pair you are wearing on the baseball field, they are going to inevitably get dirty. Leading us to the question, how do you get stains out of white clothes?"

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