“A day in the country is worth a month in town”Christina Rossetti

Thursday, June 28, 2012

More On Our Extended Goat Family

I was north of town today and got done early with my errand. Since I knew that today was Ariel's due date, I thought I'd stop and see if anything was happening.
It had already happened!
Tracy is holding the newest doeling born very early this morning.
Ariel is obviously being an attentive mom, and her kid is already moving around in and out of the barn opening to check things out.
Her "paint" markings are wonderful, and she is nice and tall.
This is three week old Snickers.
Looks just like her mom Abi with those ears.
  Belle is looking on at her playmate and now she will have another kid to tussle with. 
All tired after her photo session, its time for a nap, while attentive Ariel coos her and watches closely.
The others head out to get some sun and a snack before night time.
By the way - the due date is calculated 150 days or five months from the breeding date.
Ariel was right on time.

1 comment:

Linda Myers said...

Oh, gosh. The goats are so darling! I need to take a trip east to meet them.