Here comes the moving van.

Our driver Brian gets ready to unload.
What a smart uniform he wears.
Ah! Its actually our new Game Warden.
A new family of birds again no less.
These birds are ready to nest and are part of the Pennsylvania Game Commission's breeding and hunting program. We are not a regular place for them to stock, but it seems there were some spare birds, and we have a suitable spot for them to nest. Lets hope for some happy pheasant families to join the robins.

This is the male who seems to have claimed the left side of the hill.

This fellow has the right hill, and I think the majority of females.
They flew and ran so quickly I lost count, but I think eight females were with the two males.

There were a few eggs in the crates although they are slightly damaged.
If the membrane is still okay, I wonder if we can incubate them.
Twenty one days from now we could really confuse the hens with baby pheasant.