“A day in the country is worth a month in town”Christina Rossetti

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Is It The Water? - Two More Bucklings!

 Zola added to the nursery Wednesday morning with two big boys, 91/2 and 101/2 pounds. The count is now 9 bucklings, 3 does.  Its up to Saba to give us a couple girls.
Now she is being uncooperative and not nursing them.
This is the older brother who has much to say - and loudly - about his mother's witholding of milk.
With assistance from neighbors Allison, Julia, Claire and Karen, we have wrestled Zola to get her milked and get the boys fed.  They have gotten quite a bit and are creating all sorts of bodily functions, so they will be okay overnight.
I just hope this milking doesn't last too long. She has lots of milk, but her udder is so large and I think she is just sore and tired. Give her another 24 hours and I think they will be on their own.
Meanwhile, still complaining!

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