“A day in the country is worth a month in town”Christina Rossetti

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Purslane Salad

Today I got an Epicurious email update and as I scanned through I found a recipe using purslane. Yep - the weed! Its actually a well used plant in eastern Euro cultures. I hope to join in.

One thing led to another and led me out to the garden for a picture and harvesting. I have pulled so much of this out of the garden paths and tossed it aside that it suddenly was hard to find. My initial taste says "pea pod" flavor. I started with tips. The larger leaves were not as sweet, but altogether a big fat GO!

Now I see it has fantastic health benefits too. http://www.greensense.com/~alnw/Features/Wild_garden/purslane.htm

I added the two sites that sent me on my new edible path today. Check them out for yourselves. More research to follow.


D said...

I think it's a pretty plant, too. So much of what we thought of as weeds are beautiful perennials or food elsewhere.

The entirety of the gardening establishment and the love of grass over all just is getting darn frustrating.

Deere Driver said...

Well you sound like you could be a future goat lover! Part of the reason for the goats was putting some of the grasses that grow in our fields to use rather than just mowing it. I even have them "mow" my lawn around the house. The other benefit is fertilization at its most basic.