The 102
nd Flax Scutching Festival in
Stahlstown, PA is one of the more interesting events I have been to in a while. More than entertain, they teach and provide a living history of the flax industry. And its pretty darned interesting!

Although a bit long on the feet, especially for Mom, the demonstration was well worth the time and the bargain $4.00 entry to the event. For $1.00 more you could take a long hay ride around the fields. I will find someone to go with me again for sure.

It is a collection of old farm arts and machinery, as well as crafts done well, and a good variety. Not well in the commercial way, but in the crafts way. I wish I had taken more photos, but I really enjoyed talking to the quilters and
crafters for information. One table had jewelry made from bones, shells, and other not usual material. Unique.

And there was no shortage of good food which we tried from soup to funnel cake, and plenty of main courses to make everyone happy. We passed up the buckwheat pancakes, but there was a crowd still enjoying them mid day. To appreciate them more, you must realize that the batter is started two days before the event to get it right. We came home with wonderful apple butter and a bag of fresh, warm kettle corn. Mom is happy because its keeping her warm!

I should have gotten more information, but this machine made a lot of noise grinding the wheat and separating the hulls. I think it was running off a tractor via a belt. There were so many old working machines, it was wonderful to see.

We came home with fresh ground corn meal, wheat flour and bran. I see baking in our future.
If you also go onto the official web site, there is a terrific You Tube video that gives a great taste of the event. is a nice event, and I thank the participants and volunteers for doing such a great job.