I took a few photos over the past few days, and looking at them now, the progression of thaw, and regression of snow, was subtle until today. This is one of the springs that feeds the pond, taken on Sunday.
It was flowing quite well then. Below, at the bottom, is the video of what all this snow is becoming.This was the only shoot I found so far of my spring bulbs. A bit yellow from being under two or three feet of snow til now. A day or two more and we'll be back on our beach. I've been taking my lunch outside and eating on the bench. The sun feels good, even if the temperatures were cool until today.Last night was not below freezing, so the melt started sooner this afternoon. I noticed the flow coming down the barn driveway at lunch. It was flowing quite quickly. Going into town today, I realized some rock formations were under water. Its really begun to raise the water levels. The ground here is saturated and there is a lot more snow to go. The mountains have even more.
We have a pool going to see when we get land locked.
This video is from tonight and the pretty snow is being replaced by mud and running water. Tomorrow getting the goats over the water might be a problem.
Bear Paws...
3 hours ago
1 comment:
I've seen how fast things can go once the melting gets going. The riverbeds flooded overnight overhere. Hope you keep your feet dry!
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