You know how it is.
All the Christmas prep.
The usual routine still there.
Buckets to fill. Barn to clean.
All the Christmas prep.
The usual routine still there.

Then the daily snow complicates things.
I am not tolerating this cold too well.
Lucky for me, my neighbor Karen chose the one nice day to deliver her fall decorations for goat treats.
Then we had a glass of wine for my birthday.
Both the gimp knee and the rotator cuff are acting up, so its back to PT for the shoulder for now. Who needs to walk!
At least the three showing goats are giving me good humor.
We got hay this week-end. Had to wait for a dry day. Visited Jake and his big friends.
That's the catch up folks.
More cards to write.
Recipes to create (Mouse Tartare?).
Beds to make.....
Oh! And the birthday cupcake at the Christmas Dinner at the casino last Saturday.

Lucky for me, my neighbor Karen chose the one nice day to deliver her fall decorations for goat treats.
Then we had a glass of wine for my birthday.

More cards to write.

Beds to make.....

Nice presentation.
Cake? Eh!
Cake? Eh!
What an awesome neighbor to bring goat treats! You've much more snow that we have! I've been constantly complaining that if it's going to be this cold we might as well get snow with it. Have a very wonderful holiday season.
Looks like you're busy! I envy you the snow.
Yes, you do look so busy. And, a bum knee and rotator cuff problem don't help. I have had both and it sure puts a cramp in the active life style!
Here's hoping for a wonderful Christmas for you and your family!
PS - Our kitties also used to bring us mousie treats. ;) Yum!
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