Celebrating 100 Years of 4-H in Pennsylvania
Ali - 4-H Red Ribbon Winner, 19-24 month Crossbred Breeding Meat Goat Doe |
A lot of work goes into the fair and much of it is volunteer.
Farmers take time from their fields and barns to make sure the kids get an opportunity to have a well run nine days.
Farmers take time from their fields and barns to make sure the kids get an opportunity to have a well run nine days.
Parents camp out with their kids after months of training and practice.
Or they drive back and forth twice a day making sure the animals - and kids - get fed, cleaned, and medicated if needed.
In this video, Adeline is drinking her electrolites from the bottle to wash down her Pepto.
As you can see, Adeline is a well trained goat! Or maybe she just likes all the attention.
Or they drive back and forth twice a day making sure the animals - and kids - get fed, cleaned, and medicated if needed.
As you can see, Adeline is a well trained goat! Or maybe she just likes all the attention.
The kids become showmen and women for all the people coming to see their animals,...
...as well as for when they compete.
Julia with Adeline - 4-H Red Ribbon Winner, 12-18 month Crossbred Breeding Meat Goat Doe |
Angus being "set up" by Hattie in preparation for showmanship.
Julia and Adeline (third from right) in competition.
Philip(third from right) did well with one of Zola's twins during the Showmanship,
and Market Goat sale.
Even the Fair Queen Rachel Sheffler, participates in the Market Goat sale - crown, sash and all.
(Rachel won the On the Pond Farm sponsored Breeding Meat Goat Supreme Champion Trophy)
You've possibly read about animal identification.
These hens are dyed with vet approved coloring (according to the sign).
Is this Hydrographic(Camo Dipped)?
Clyde is a naturally colorful guy.
I found this information a bit CSI-ish. Is this Hydrographic(Camo Dipped)?
Lots more food than this - trust me! Got to keep the audience fed.
The sun setting over the fair.