Jock was almost two years old when we adopted him. He had had a couple homes before ours and had always been an outdoor dog. From what we know, he was trained to herd, but seems he didn't make the grade for competing. He also was with a large group of Border Collies at his last home and got picked on by everyone, and finally fought back and injured the breeding stud. That was that. He was sequestered to his own lonely spot. We took a lot of chances taking him in to our house, as he was not house trained, but that he learned fairly well, even at his age.

We did a lot of leash training and house training, one room at a time. I don't know how long we had Jock before he knew we had more than two rooms, and then - lo and behold- an upstairs. Those steps were a challenge coming down at first, because he tried them sooo fast!
Snickers has now been trained by Jock to wait by the flag for me too.
No flat kitties on the road with Jock in charge.
And him not necessarily to crazy about that!
Its hard to say if Snickers got the message, but no harm done!!