We continue to have more of this "August" weather ( I know - you Texas types are suffering much more). Its been regular rain storms, and wet air that has you dripping ten minutes after a shower.

Sixteen days into June, which is usually my favorite weather month (dry and moderate temps- HA!), and we've had two good, dry, working days.

In the morning the grass stays wet for hours.

Even the cats are getting cranky.

What starts as grooming turns into...

Well - a cat fight.

Snickers then needs to cool off - she has quite a quick temper.

So a drink in the barn is called for.

I hope the payback is coming in dry, August weather.

Time will tell.
Ah, yes, some cooler dry weather will be nice here, too. Since we are having July weather now, I am hoping we get some nice June weather for the 4th of July (yeah, right) when we will be outside at Riverbend (Cincinnati Symphony and Pops Summer Home) for "Red, White, and Boom" which always includes the 1812.
LOVE the 1812 with fireworks!
Gives you time to watch the soccer games :-) How is your knee doing?
We are having a rain shower as I type this, so we have a brief relief from the infernal heat. After the rain they predict a heat index of 105 due to the evaporation and glaring sun. Great pics, thanks for sharing.
Carla - I have gone back to the gym to see what I can do on the stationary bike and some machines. Two weeks now and there is improvement, but the injury has changed the location of the pain. Next week I may find some answers- or more questions!! Thanks for asking.
But icing my knee and football is a great way to pass time!!
Rene - the skies just got black here and we are having bursts of rain too. I may actually go out and weed after dinner while its cooling off. I did that Monday and it was very productive time out there.
We could some of those rainstorms here on the VA eastern shore. Lately all we get is thunder and then about 5 minutes of sprinkles. A good rainy day would sure help with teh veggies and flowers. We do have the heat and humidity unfortunately.
Thank you for the kind words left on my blog (Intoxicating Dreams)! :)
I am not nursing anymore, and like you, I didn't lose any weight from it at all. I'm not too sure if my metabolism has changed or not, but I think I've always had a bit of a sluggish one. Not really all that sure what to do about it.
I absolutely love the look of your farm, and your cats are adorable :)
I just stumbled across your blog...I love the pictures of the cats, it's strange how much one of them looks like my old cat. <3
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