Its been a hot and humid couple of days now, and even the animals are slowing down.
Don't the barn cats look comfy? Can't see them?
They've got it made in the shade.
I would never have noticed Mia if I didn't see her flop in here.
This has become a regular spot for Snickers.
Pekoe found his own grassy place in the shade.

lol i love the shade the kitties found! The heat and humidity has been almost unbearable here in SC
Pekoe has the right idea!
That is so funny! It's been hot and humid here too...the early mornings have been okay except for this morning...I left the house a little after 5 and it was already really muggy and gross out. At least the kitties are finding away to stay cool!
Here in Seattle it's been in the 50s and raining for two weeks. I notice your cats are all stretchy, exposing the maximum surface area to cooling area. My cat Larisa is all balled up. She goes outside and is back in within 45 seconds.
I suspect if I spent an afternoon in your heat and humidity I'd be ready for more of my own climate, but right now yours looks awfully good.
Well, I'd like to go for the happy medium myself. I hope June settles back into some dry, comfortable days before we get more stinkin' hot ones. I have lots of work to do out there!
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