“A day in the country is worth a month in town”Christina Rossetti

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fall Mowing Delayed

This was a perfect week-end for mowing. This was a perfect week end.
Fall color is just starting to show.Both Dave and I have been out doing our part with our tractors, tidying the fields to get ready for winter. The goats were doing their part - as always.The weather was dry and crisp Saturday, and a bit more summery today. Jock kept me going in the right direction with his constant herding. Unfortunately, I will have to wait till things dry a lot more before I can finish the yard mowing. I found myself sinking and sliding on the still saturated lawn. A bit disconcerting when it occurred on the side of a hill.Dave made good headway on the right side of the hill last week-end and had plans to work on the other side of the pond above the goats. That was until his tire came down with a huge leak, and there wasn't enough time to get a replacement before the tire shop closed. It was a perfect day to mow, but it was a perfect day to not mow.

1 comment:

Linda Myers said...

Easier to wait. Looks like a good time on the farm!