It was an extra long wait and apparently our new grandson used his time well, growing into a 9 pound 3 ounce, 21 inch big baby, and finally arriving at 11:02 PM, December 4th.. We do not have big babies in our family, and this big guy surprised even the professionals. They couldn't figure out where Kristin had tucked this child. A 7 1/2 lb baby was the call just that morning.
Jacob gave the hospital staff a few scares, and we all have to be thankful for the staff AND technology that brings these babies safely into our welcoming arms. I had made the drive just in time to be there as everyone went into surgery, but before I could even get to the labor area, my joy and anticipation was tempered with a hard slap of reality. As the labor room door opened, the first thing I saw was a crying woman. She was around my age, and the tears were not tears of joy. She was on the phone, but I didn't even need to hear the words. The baby had been delivered still born. I cannot imagine the pain.
We are so lucky and grateful to have Jacob Alexander - named from his parents' middle names - coming home.
Free Pattern Day! Easter & Spring Quilts
17 hours ago