“A day in the country is worth a month in town”Christina Rossetti

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Busy Week

 The first half of the week was white and cold. 
 We were using up a lot of power keeping water from freezing in the barn and out.
 The twins are big and hardy, so they have been out every day now.
 My favorite part of the farm.
 Jock enjoyed a walk with Dave in his favorite type of condition. Cold.
 Kids Brooke and Lillian on a school day off with kids Angus and Anakin
 Finally a warmer day to get the triplets out with the twins, and they loved it.
 The snow is completely gone and the mud is back big time. Will it ever dry up?
 This is job training. Now eat the tree.
 And as always, all the animals do their best to get along, share toys, and even food.
The biggest and the smallest manage to live peacefully together.
Wish they rest of the world could learn from them, don't you?

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