OK. Its a little more serious then that. Its an arranged marriage.
Sigh! Will it work out? What are these people thinking? She should be allowed to find her own true love.
Well, here on the farm, Trinity's choices are slim to neutral - I mean neutered. Its her twin brother(and he's willing!), or the three males that have been castrated, and can just be friends.
We visited my goat mentor Shirley yesterday, and she has three available bucks. The oldest, mature buck is close to three hundred pounds and I thought back to Twee last year as a young doe being overwhelmed by Bucky. Scratch that. 

So I chose from the two younger and smaller bucks. 

I liked this homegrown boy that Shirley has. Red Heart.

I like his look and his temperament, and his traditional coloring also.

I think Trini was playing it cool, but I think she is going to like this guy. 

He is a bit forward, but that's what this is all about!
I think they make a nice couple.

I just love your goats. We have a few dairy goats ourselves. ChecK out our blog from The Sevenmile Ranch in south central Montana
Thank you
You have a nice Border Collie too!
Thanks for touching base.
I took a glance at your blog and will have to spend more time with it when it isn't pushing midnight!!
I want to know more about your book.
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