You haven't even seen the chickens and rabbits in the smaller tents, or the swine, llamas and horses yet, but there is more to the fair than animals.

We have "adult beverages".

Fresh produce,

and preserved foods.

The important scarecrow competition, won by 11 year old Holly.

Beautiful sewing projects that made great use of the gorgeous fabrics you can find these days.

What I look for every year - quilts.
This just gives you a tiny taste of the thousands of entries in the hundreds of categories. My blog is too small to show even one of each. You need to see your local and state shows to appreciate the work and time involved.
And back to the animals. At least at the Westmoreland Fair, the fair would be incomplete without the work the kids do all year to get their animals ready for the ten days at the fair. Some do not leave all week, camping in the barn or trailers outside. Naturally there are parents involved, and many volunteers that keep the kids going and to the right places.
When you go to the fairs or know someone involved, thank them for their work and projects that make a fair so wonderful to visit. Without them - I can't imagine.
And, thanks to you, too, for showing us the fair and telling us all about the work that goes into it. This is so much fun.
You liked the quilts, huh?
Wish I had time to quilt myself, but was inspired by some of the quilts. Meanwhile, my sewing machine is needing a tune up, and I have a deadline for a shower gift.
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