Monday afternoon was the Breeding Meat Goat judging, and entered are only does, or females.
In this group there are Boer goats...
other meat breeds such as Pygmy, and Crossbred.
Our two young does were in the latter category.
Jennifer Reynolds, from Westminster, MD returned as this year's judge.
Eleven goats were in the Under Six Month Breeding Meat Goat Crossbred category.
Julia got the 4-H Blue ribbon with our Adeline.
Julia got the 4-H Blue ribbon with our Adeline.
Run off for the Junior Champion.
Adeline being shown by Julia (center)and Ali being shown by Shelly(right).
We had both our goats in the Crossbred Junior Championship round.
Julia with Ali and their Blue Ribbon for 6-9 Month Old Breeding Meat Goat Crossbred Champion - 4-H Division.
Red for second in 6-9 Month Old Crossbred Breeding Meat Goat - Open Division.
We had both our goats in the Crossbred Junior Championship round.
Red for second in 6-9 Month Old Crossbred Breeding Meat Goat - Open Division.
Blue ribbon for Under Six Month Old 4-H Crossbred Breeding Meat Goat Champion.
Red for second in Under Six Month Old Crossbred Breeding Meat Goat - Open Division.
Yes! Yes! She is not "set up" right.
She was having a moment of "poopy butt" and we were moving quickly!
Champion Breeding Meat Goat.
Tyler Keating of Sunshine 4-H won this year with his doe Lulu.
With Tyler is Judge Jennifer Reynolds and myself.
Congratulations to Tyler and all of the participants and leaders!
You did beautifully!!! Congratulations to all the winners! This has been so much fun to watch, even though from afar. :)
We always think our goats are beautiful, but I must admit genuine surprise that these two young does did so well. Someone else thinks our goats are beautiful!!! A few eyes were glistening yesterday!
Julia did a great job showing them too. Adeline was especially good. She set up on her own during her class and stayed there. All that work came to fruition.
These events are fun to attend even for not-goat people. Congratulations!
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