Actually the first thing that has to be done is feed the hens or they will chase you all over and sit on you if you feed anyone else first until you do.
Then the goat stalls are opened and closed behind them. If you don't, one or two of them are so nosy that they'd rather see where everyone else is living instead of following. So there are things that have to be done in order to make things go right. Otherwise, well "otherwise" has happened, so you try to keep things orderly.
Nice and easy.

The pace is generally slow until the point that the girls see where their field is.
Then the pace picks up to a race to be in line for the grain or whatever the morning feed is.
Now its time for the morning walk. This is where a Border Collie is good for your health - they need more walks then you have time to give them!
The cats feel part of the group this morning and follow along for a while.
Today, Mia followed along until Jock came charging by along the pond chasing the ducks that are here each morning and night. That was all she needed to head back down the hill to the barn.
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