The goats are in all sorts of combinations right now, so its hard to keep up.Love is in the air, and Neo has been dating Zola for a day or two.
Alex has had the company of Trinity and Speckles, along with his chaperon, Pants, in the corral.
Abi (above) is still being weaned with Ariel(below)in "high security", but this week-end they should join the larger does.
Kissable Adeline and Ali are in quarantine for two weeks from the fair, so they are on their own for a while. A little poopy butt as they get back to pasture.Meanwhile, the nannies are mowing away on the other end of the fields, which are still looking pretty thick.
We don't have a photo of Layla who is vacationing with her boyfriend Remington a few towns away. He is a handsome fellow, and I did not have my camera in hand as I needed both hands to drag Layla to him. I will have to remember when we pick Layla up. You'll love his look.
This is the bright and sunny quilt top I've been working on. I have a border fabric, but now my brain has come up with a new idea to finish the top. I'm pondering how much time I have to do this.
Meanwhile I found out about another friend's grand baby, and it seems I have to come up with another baby quilt. Just as I was cleaning up from the blue pinwheels.
There might be a time crunch now. Perhaps shopping for a gift will work!
This has been quite a week for many on the east coast. First an earthquake, and now a severe hurricane.
About now, the center of Irene has passed many of my old friends and neighbors in New England. I'm hoping they are all well, even though many will be without power. I know most of them have been through this many times, and will be prepared for a day or two of inconvenience, cooking on the barbeque, or sharing showers with friends. As long as no one is hurt, we will all breath a sigh of relief.My daughter sent this photo from their street in New York state where they have been without power for 8 hours already. There the rain has almost stopped after about 26 hours.
So the next problem will be flooding. Stay safe all! Let me hear from you so I know all is well.
You haven't even seen the chickens and rabbits in the smaller tents, or the swine, llamas and horses yet, but there is more to the fair than animals.
We have "adult beverages".
Fresh produce, and preserved foods. The important scarecrow competition, won by 11 year old Holly.Beautiful sewing projects that made great use of the gorgeous fabrics you can find these days.What I look for every year - quilts.
Flowers, cut and live.
This just gives you a tiny taste of the thousands of entries in the hundreds of categories. My blog is too small to show even one of each. You need to see your local and state shows to appreciate the work and time involved.
And back to the animals. At least at the Westmoreland Fair, the fair would be incomplete without the work the kids do all year to get their animals ready for the ten days at the fair. Some do not leave all week, camping in the barn or trailers outside. Naturally there are parents involved, and many volunteers that keep the kids going and to the right places.
When you go to the fairs or know someone involved, thank them for their work and projects that make a fair so wonderful to visit. Without them - I can't imagine.
Showmanship was the last event our goats and Julia participated in. Part of the judging is about appearance.
Hence the plaid shirt, boots and pulled back hair - and a smile! You are judged on the handling of the goats, and how you move in relation to the judge and goat. Then there is knowledge of the goat anatomy.
And that's just the parts we know so far!!We have a lot to learn about showmanship, and today was one of the first real lessons. For Julia and the goats,the fair is all fun and friends now, as the competition is over.
Nice job all!
Monday afternoon was the Breeding Meat Goat judging, and entered are only does, or females. In this group there are Boer goats...other meat breeds such as Pygmy, and Crossbred. Our two young does were in the latter category.
Jennifer Reynolds, from Westminster, MD returned as this year's judge.
Eleven goats were in the Under Six Month Breeding Meat Goat Crossbred category.
Julia got the 4-H Blue ribbon with our Adeline.
Run off for the Junior Champion.
Adeline being shown by Julia (center)and Ali being shown by Shelly(right).
We had both our goats in the Crossbred Junior Championship round.
Amazing!Julia with Ali and their Blue Ribbon for 6-9 Month Old Breeding Meat Goat Crossbred Champion - 4-H Division. Red for second in 6-9 Month Old Crossbred Breeding Meat Goat - Open Division.
Adeline and Julia with their Reserve Junior Champion Rosette ribbon(purple). Blue ribbon for Under Six Month Old 4-H Crossbred Breeding Meat Goat Champion. Red for second in Under Six Month Old Crossbred Breeding Meat Goat - Open Division. Yes! Yes! She is not "set up" right.
She was having a moment of "poopy butt" and we were moving quickly!
All our girls had a great day at the fair!Once again it was our pleasure to sponsor the trophy for the
Champion Breeding Meat Goat.
Tyler Keating of Sunshine 4-H won this year with his doe Lulu.
With Tyler is Judge Jennifer Reynolds and myself.
Congratulations to Tyler and all of the participants and leaders!
My friend Juliann drove over for a visit with her daughter Lillian and a friend.It was good to catch up with old friends and farm lovers!
They enjoyed all animals - real and not!
Lots of competitions were underway in all the venues.
And then there was the Fair Hair! And here is a preview of even more fun!
4-H requires obtaining a lot of knowledge from books and meetings and many, many people who give their time. It also requires the participants to fill out work books and learn about their particular project in some detail. As they get older, more is expected, but that also builds on prior knowledge. Even at the fair, the parents, leaders, and kids are continuing to study, share and learn so that the kids can do their best. Dawn Dancey is a knowledgeable 4-H leader in the neighboring town of New Alexandra, and helped us shape up our goats with a tail and hoof shaving lesson. We all took a turn at getting the two goats shaved.
In order to have the goats ready to shave, we had to give them both a bath before we came to the fair. Then Adeline was having what we call "poopy butt", so she had three or four extra baths, but she made it to shaving clean.
This morning the goats were hungry and happy to see us, but otherwise seemed quite relaxed. Their siblings that are home with reminders of mom are not quite so calm!The kids started putting up these signs as people were picking up anything to feed the goats. Goats eat grain and hay folks. Not wood chips.
After initial house keeping (and there is an award for that too), we had to stop at the 4-H office for signs. On the way we took this photo op and checked out the incoming rabbits and chickens. Today the rest of the animals arrive and things really get busy.
This is where you find us. Look for the butterflies.
The blog is really notes to my friends, old and new, to let you know what's going on in our lives. Its also a diary of sorts for myself. It started at the farm in Ligonier, PA, hence the name, but now life and work has moved us back to Connecticut,
I've always taken lots of photos and sent postcards from everywhere we travel, just to keep in touch. Email took over and then the digital camera.
Instead of me plugging up your email, you can check in when you have the time.
And yes, another town with the same problems as any other!!!
Please enjoy and let me hear from you...really~
Storm Exposure
A crack in the storm clouds spotlights the farm
Twin Bucklings born 12 31 11 and Triplet Bucklings born 1 8 12
Adeline, Shown by Julia, 0-6 Month Doe 4-H Blue Ribbon Winner
I know a lot of people know English much better than we know any other language, but for those that want some help, me included, I'm trying this translator. Please leave a message to let us know where you are viewing from. Ciao!