I don't really know what these things were used for, but they were mostly gathering chicken feathers and poop these days. Today they were modified to be able to get to the steps easier.

All this time, the only way to get through on this end of the barn was around and through this tight space.

This is hard, oak board, and you can see where the horses have chewed on them. That's a lot of chewing.

Front and back was boarded up and these nails were in there to last.

Then the chain saw was back in action. Sorry about all the sawdust.

And then the sledge hammer. A real destructo project! More dust.

The chickens didn't go far, and were waiting to see what opportunities for bugs were going to be opened up.

Now when we have to get to the upper barn, it will be a lot easier to get to the steps, especially carrying hay bales. Less places for the mice to hide too, thinks Mia.