We had just about every type of weather in the course of a few hours: rain, sleet, hail (twice), snow, and high winds.

Temperatures were in the mid 50's and down into the 30's. There was thunder, and then at about 2:00PM it cleared, and we got a rainbow that lasted as long as it took this gray cloud to snuff it out.

I got home, and one of the flower pots, that also hold my solar light, was blown over. I straightened it up and admired the fact that the blooms were still vibrant, if not a bit wind swept. Its December and I have color on my kitchen step. These plants are tough.
It made me think of the derogatory way pansy is used to call a man weak or gay. I don't know how this plant became that adjective. They are strong, not weak. Their colors are strong. I don't know how being a pansy became an insult, but its wrong. Call me naive, but I can think of worse names. But name calling does hurt, and that's a whole other blog!
But next time I hear the pansy "insult", I'll just be shaking my head.
Main Entry: 1pan·sy
Pronunciation: \ˈpan-zē\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English pancy, pensee, from Middle French pensée, from pensée thought, from feminine of pensé, past participle of penser to think, from Latin pensare to ponder — more at pensive
Date: 15th century
Pronunciation: \ˈpan-zē\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English pancy, pensee, from Middle French pensée, from pensée thought, from feminine of pensé, past participle of penser to think, from Latin pensare to ponder — more at pensive
Date: 15th century

2: a. usually disparaging : a weak or effeminate man or boy
b. usually disparaging : a male homosexual
Sorry this is a slow post. Blogger had a technical problem here last night.
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