This may look like an organized work area, but this actually is a dining room, and has to become one very shortly. I had my squares lined up where I wanted them for a week or more, but have always had another priority. Today it was get it done, or get it out of here, one way or the other. So I put the top together.

I started this
blue and white nine patch in November as a review of information lost in a dusty, unused part of my brain. As it progressed, I eliminated a couple of squares and narrowed down the range of blues and whites. I think I could have eliminated a couple more, but that would have required too much repeating of fabrics or buying new fabrics. I have so much fabric from old projects, I didn't want to buy more. This was just to use what I had and get some relearning in.

I'm surprised how the blocks squared up pretty darned well. The last seam probably has the worst corner match, but for what I was going for, I'm quite pleased with the end result.

So for now this all gets put away, and I can think about a border and backing after the holidays. Time to get ready for company.
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