There she goes.
A simpler life of just mowing lawns and blowing New England leaves and blizzards into tall piles for the kids to jump in, sled down, and even ski on, in her history. I remember when she was a "big" tractor. Ah! The good old days.

I ran into my neighbor at an auction last Saturday and we got to talking. He was waiting to add a tractor to his collection. They other guys there were willing to spend more that he was, so it didn't happen. That's when I realized we had a bit of a collection ourselves. We had three tractors, although we/I had decided that the Simplicity was the snow blower now.

The talking continued and led to a goat visit, and a Darlington Volunteer Fire Department's Tool Bash ticket sale. Then to a tractor sale.
I wish I had thought to take a photo of our "collection" all lined up, before the Simplicity and all her trinkets left on the trailer and truck. She had quite a barn full of attachments.
I hope she serves the next folks as well as she did us. Sniff!