Since we got the two feet of snow starting February 5
th the kids have not been able to go out all day into a field. The snow was too high for them. and it was so difficult accessing another gate.

That changed Sunday when Dave hand dug around a gate, and up to the shed in the upper field.

I had planned to take my Deere out and mash my way out there, but I never got to try. The fear was getting me stuck in the now heavy, slippery snow.

Today, after watching
Brees eating grain with his mother, I took the time to set up a creep feeder. We have a futon frame I got for a couple dollars at an auction. With a couple of bungee cords, I cordoned off a corner, and put in a bowl of grain and minerals. He caught on very fast!

A creep feeder is a place where the kids can get to, but the mothers can't. That way there is a supply of food that only the kids can munch on.
Brees already is a bit stocky for the spaces here, but it will work for a few days anyway.
Naturally, today the rain and wet weather came along, but luckily short lived. Everyone but Twee and
Brees got to spend the day outside, but they did get out for a while this morning.

Tomorrow, they will have the company of Vinegar. Her due date is the 24
th, and she is "ripening" up. Her udder isn't tight yet, but that could come quickly.

I think she looks very good with two days to go. Her hips are changing, and her belly is dropping, but she looks very fit.

She's been put in her own clean pen so that she can relax, and have some space of her own to birth. Can't wait! She's a good mom, so I expect no problems, but the baby monitor is on!